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About Me

PHP 1 2 3- Introduction

PHP, a server-side scripting language often written in an HTML context, was originally conceived as a tool to help coders maintain web pages. It has been extended dramatically over time to the full featured programming language that it is now, capable of managing database-driven environments.

I would like to focus my entries about PHP on its original intent-- as a scripting solution to the efficient creation and maintenance of personal-type web sites.

I am working on a simple PHP tutorial for a friend, even though I am not a PHP coder (though one day I hope to be), but I have been able to use and customize existing scripts. And there are simple tasks that even someone like me can perform that will result in real convenience and time savings.

You don't have to be a programmer to take advantage of the power of PHP. A little investment in learning a few basics can pay off tremendously. And you may get inspired to learn more when you discover how easy PHP is to use. In my opinion so far, it is considerably easier to learn than JavaScript.

My next post will be the tutorial I referred to. It is about developing a simple templating system for web pages. It's easy to do and can make maintaining your web site practically painless.

Maybe it's not as easy as '1 2 3', but it's close. Okay, is this enough of a pep talk? :-)


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